Friday, February 13, 2009

The Direction of Art

I find myself at a loss for words, so often, when challenged with art that is genuinely repulsive. Either I hate it because it's just rubbish; there is no talent involved in placing a shopping trolley in a white room. Or I dislike it because it causes a reaction in me of utter disgust. However, if the aim of Art is to captivate the audience, these two forms are on their way with getting my attention. Regardless of how long I perceive these artforms, I can't describe my reaction as 'captivated.' A sunset captivates me; the flight of millions of swallows; water down a plug hole. I know art is a relative world, but I can't imagine anyone ever being captivated by a series of boxes piled just right so that it looks like a genuine pile of boxes.

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