The forgiveness of God continues to go far beyond what we can think, or imagine. I find it fascinating to look back at that day 2000 years ago and realise more happened than I thought had done yesterday. There are those people (I sometimes fall into this category) that when you become a Christian, God stops being a loving pursuing God, and starts being an angry perfectionist God. "Now you're in my family," I can imagine Him saying, "you go by my rules. My house, my rules."
There are other interesting personalities that get projected onto God, especially when it comes to trying to understand the Trinity. The Trinity is not, although it would be easier if it was, like stuffing three pillows into one pillow case. You look at the pillow and it's one pillow, but it's three pillows. Funny word is pillow.
So the personality is like the angry Father who thirsts for blood at every opportunity, then there's the loving Son who, wanting His Father to stop wanting to kill people (but Dad is being very self-controlled), comes down out of heaven so His Dad can look at Him, kill Him and then, when the Son is back in heaven, every time Dad gets angry the Son says, 'No, look at me instead!" And there's the Holy Spirit who floats around making everyone feel warm and fuzzy because Dad can't hold Him back because the Son is distracting His gaze.
Again, that's wrong.
Actually, Jesus dying was for a purpose, and His rising again was more than a receipt. It's always good to go back to basics, and I've said it before, but the idea of being forgiven a lot is so profound I can't really get my head around it. If believers in the Gospel of Jesus Christ (that Jesus is the Jewish saviour and King of the whole earth) can't forgive others then they don't grasp it's implications. Obedience comes in the realisation of Jesus as King. Forgiveness comes from the implications of acceptance through Jesus' blood. It's all a bit complicated, but it's as basic as I was forgiven so I will forgive.
What we really need is a bigger, better picture of God, who will pay whatever is necessary to show that He is God. Anyone who leaves Jesus out when talking about God has missed Him.