Friday, July 17, 2009

Time to return: Jonah Part 5

There have been a lot of muddled thoughts here recently; brought about
by looking and dwelling in the book of Jonah. Why does God relent when
this city shows repentance? Isn't that going back on His word?

It is a puzzle that has kept me up late, seen conversations twist and
turn with enquiries, but there is an answer that can only be revealed
in wrestling. If you don't believe me, read my post on Jacob from a
while back.

Does God change his mind?

I've had enough of a time on this to know that what God wants and what
God does are perfectly balanced. He is a loving father who doesn't
want to see His children hurt in any way, yet He sends pain and
affliction as the loving discipline of a perfect parent. He lets us
learn and doesn't intervene when He could, and no doubt wants to.

On the other hand: He holds back from complete annihalation of this
fallen planet because even though He is in constant agony over
everything done by people on this earth and desires it to be done
with, He acts over this planet in hope that all things will be
redeemed. And He knows that because He Spoke.

And He Spoke over Nineveh. He Spoke disaster. This is His justice.
Then He spoke salvation. This is His mercy. This is the same God.

Does Jesus change His mind?


He knows what He wants, and He knows what He needs to do.

All this because He looks at the wounds He bore Himself and has
confidence in the final judgment. He is patient and humble and waits
for victory to be seen by as many as possible. It is by His grace and
mercy that we are still around today.

It will be His glory revealed when He judges the whole earth. And those
who are His can have confidence in Him.

Jonah knew God: "You are full of compassion, abounding in steadfast
love," and He had confidence in the response God would have on the
Ninevites if they repented. So when they did, it is Jonah who is a
little miffed!

But more on that next time.