Saturday, April 21, 2007

Why is there tin foil in the bath?

It's always a bad sign when you have to rinse your feet after a shower...

'nough said.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Being Rational

It's Rationalist Week at Leeds Uni this week. Which means, to me, that there'll be a tent of people sitting around not being productive. I've found that, of all the real "thinkers" in the world, atheists are the least open minded. Someone, named Paul, I met yesterday who believes himself to be a rational, humanist, atheist. In other words he believes that the only conclusions that can be drawn are scientific. Being 'intelligent' (his definition not mine) he thinks science is not compatible with God, and that faith is an end result to many evidences, as opposed to the beginning of any belief structure.

I have one big problem with his assumptions. I would have loved to tell him, but he wouldn't allow me to finish any of my sentences. Anyway, he believes he is right but won't say that it is based on faith. He says it's based on facts, he even said the textbook line "we've got the fossils." Fool. Fossils are, actually no indication of anything, and the very fact he couldn't understand any of the simple arguments of infinite regress, and positive mutations (which I conclude neither are possible), meant I couldn't make any progress because he used arguments that required these to be assumed as true, but he could explain why. I started on mutations, where the example of down's syndrome which is a negative mutation where an extra half chromosome appears from nowhere, came up. This didn't convince me that evolution on cross-species level was possible, because it's a NEGATIVE MUTATION. i.e. it doesn't actually move the species forward but backward. I think that makes it clear that another example is needed. He didn't have one.

I also tried to talk a bit about the Bible, but he would accept it as evidence for the existence of God. So I decided to refuse any scientific evidence he threw at me to show that it was a foolish move to make.

Interestingly, as a final point, it's irrational to deny the existence of God, so he's kind of a walking contradiction. Like most of us, I suppose. I know I am too. I sin, yet not a sinner, thanks to Jesus' sacrifice in my place. I'm more worried about my relationship with God than Paul's arguments against my faith, but I'll be praying for him none-the-less.

"We've got the fossils..."

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

This week

I don't know if you've noticed I'm a Christian..but I am. And this is something, quite major, quite a life changing thing, that shapes my life.

What if your life was actually significant. Imagine a life of significance. Do you feel like you're remotely important to anything going on? If so the you may be able to relate to the statements earlier. If you don't you'll have a better chance of coming to terms with things like scientific theories of evolution that don't involve God, and jungle people...or atheists.

If your life is important to yourself and a few others, the you'd want to make sure whatever it is that you pour the majority of your time into is also significant and important to some people. If, for example, you go to university, you'd hope that the course you're doing is worth the time and money, and then that you enjoy doing it and being part of what it's a part of.

This week, as is the title of this post, I've been wandering around with my head in the heavens, and my feet firmly on the ground. Even now I feel both far away and extremely close to the keyboard I'm typing on. God is really something. He has been showing me a new part of Him that I don't want to let go of. A constant intercession with Him, a similar experience, I would say, to Jesus; who walked through so many cities telling stories that had so many levels all the crowd will be amazed, not just the poor or rich, or pharisees or whatever. I've been wandering around in the very presence of God. If you knew what that felt like you'll understand when I say I never want it to stop. I've spent times just laughing because I don't know how else to react to that truth that He loves me so much.

How many of you can say that, no matter what has happened this week, good or bad, the perspective on your life is always the same. I'm still going to this place at the end, whatever happens.

Some have days where they feel they could live forever, and others they could die tomorrow. I tell you that today is a day that commemorates freedom from the idols we have. Idols, is a word I use to bring across that point, that if you pour your very being into anything, it needs to be something that will last. Girlfriends or boyfriends won't last. Jobs won't last, Family won't last. Nothing that you respect and want to see work will die for you. Your job, or uni course, or house, or car, or musical instrument, or computer, would die for you. Only one thing would surely die for you, regardless of how you treated Him. That is Jesus. Find out more.

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Springity Spring

Taking a break from my lack of blogging, I thought I'd just mention that Spring appears to have sprung. A friend from Canada saw a Robin, which shows that over there, the Spring is upon them. England, being a little more rubbish with it's 'changeable' weather means Spring was here a while ago, but people weren't quite sure.

God is moving in Leeds. I felt His presence so amazingly yesterday. Nothing could tear me from His closeness to me. He really was closer than the skin. I couldn't help but smile all day...and today seems to be the same. Now I have to do some worky. Hopefully I'll survive that onslaught.

I've been writing a preach for Easter people next week. I'll let you know how it goes, but I think it's going to be great.

Awesome God.