Saturday, March 25, 2006

Back to the grind

I've been asked to write a report of one of my least favourite song "Smells like teen spirit"

In other news over the past few months I've joined a band ( - gotten baptized, and not a lot else. My homework has been to "watch a film" for the past couple of monthes, which I would say has been interesting, but I haven't actually got round to it yet. Maybe I should.

I decided a while ago that I needed a job. I suppose that doesn't help my bank account the same as if I actually went out and looked but I'm close.

Good news on the house front...not that anyone knew I was looking...but I should have somewhere to stay in the summer. Which is nice.

If you choose to read my previous blogs don't hesitate to comment, but I much prefer readings. This may become a consistant thing. I suppose I may have finally got my act together blogwise. Very Nice.

Best Regards

Jimmy (this isn't my real name, but if I explained why I say Jimmy it would ruin it)

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