Wednesday, February 14, 2007


How many of us trust Jesus? Some of you may think of Jesus as a myth, or a fraud, perhaps a good person. Then there are those people who think God is a figment of imagination created by some to keep their own litte world spinning, as long as it doesn't bother anybody else. People with those views need to stop making excuses and start to take responsibility of their life; it's not a very long one and a decision about Jesus is rather important. I realise this may be intrusive, but I believe this is the most important decision you will ever make. Is Jesus who He said He was? No, then why has it affected millions and people who say they would never believe turn to it helplessly feeling it is the only way to save? Yes, then stop messing about an follow him!

I'm not going to explain the full process; it would take a lifetime in itself. Jesus died to save sinners. He died to take the punishment everybody else deserves. Now He is alive proving all His work was not in vain.

If the Christian faith is true, then all other religions are false. But if other religions remain, the Christian foundation must be used so that conflicts do not arise. It is the only faith that claims to be the only way while at the same time being the only faith that does not come to condemn others, but to love them. If it is true then why do those without the faith do good things; it doesn't help them in any way and they should seek satisfaction. If it is false, why do people do good things; this life is meaningless.

I'm not trying to persuade anyone, I'm trying to make you think.

I expect everytime I take a step for the ground to take my weight. I expect the sun to rise tomorrow. I expect Jesus to be coming soon. Do I trust with my whole heart? Only He knows, but I want to continue my life with Him, because without Him I would be empty, lost and with no hope of rescue. He found me, He saved me, He filled me, I did nothing, I deserve nothing from Him, but my faith in Him is reckoned to me a righteousness which gives me assurance in eternal life. I can't wait, but I want everyone there with me. It will be amazing. Fact. Don't mess about with delaying the decision, we are like dust. What's 80 years? We're like dreams, dreamt and forgotten. We're like grass, and who remembers one blade of grass on a lawn. Number your days. What's my point in all of this? Think, there's not long left. I'll be 40 before I know it. I have my final hand-ins soon, and it felt like I only got to Leeds a month ago. Have I really been here for 3 years? Was I really at high school for 5? Who cares about the little things, when the perspective needs to be the end, which we all know is coming. That will put your priorities in order. Ignoring death only means it surprises you more, but it doesn't need to.

Decision time

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