Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Springity Spring

Taking a break from my lack of blogging, I thought I'd just mention that Spring appears to have sprung. A friend from Canada saw a Robin, which shows that over there, the Spring is upon them. England, being a little more rubbish with it's 'changeable' weather means Spring was here a while ago, but people weren't quite sure.

God is moving in Leeds. I felt His presence so amazingly yesterday. Nothing could tear me from His closeness to me. He really was closer than the skin. I couldn't help but smile all day...and today seems to be the same. Now I have to do some worky. Hopefully I'll survive that onslaught.

I've been writing a preach for Easter people next week. I'll let you know how it goes, but I think it's going to be great.

Awesome God.

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