Thursday, May 17, 2007

This Google Game...I think it's quite good.

Rules: Google Game: Go to Google and type in quotation marks your name and then "likes to" (eg. "Steve likes to"). Type in the first ten things that come up and repost in your own note.

1. Toby likes to chew on the Christmas Tree
2. Toby likes to tell people that his Korean middle name of Soo Chul is pronounced, "So Cool."
3. Toby likes to visit his cabin in the mountains
4. Toby likes to spend his spare time surfing, snowboarding and scuba diving
5. Toby likes to collect cookbooks and cameras
6. Toby likes to "play" with his food
7. Toby likes to play tuff guy now and then
8. Toby likes to build systems that ‘just keep going’
9. Toby likes to rearrange things once (if not twice) a day
10. Toby likes to read blogs

Some are true and some aren't. having a name that is also popular with dog and cat owners there are a number of results later on that involve chasing my tail. I say my tail...Toby's tail. I suppose Toby is a better name for a dog than Cassandra...but if you acquire a dog called Cassie that shouldn't taint your view of all pets names.

I especially like the possibility of assuming the identity of the semi-Korean Toby with a middle name of "So Cool". I might assume that. Toby "So Cool" Isaacson. It has a ring to it.

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