Wednesday, January 17, 2007

I was all about sticking it to the man...Now I am the man...I don't think I can be the man

Famous words of Jack O'Neil. I've been spending the majority of my time watching science-fiction dramas; Heroes and Stargate SG-1. Why? Because I have nothing more important to do. Or I do, and find time in my busy schedule not to do them.

The word of the week is qua. I don't care to divulge what it means.

What I noticed on my way to University this morning was the two rainbows in the sky...hence the picture. What I didn't notice was the thumb in the bottom of the picture. God has a tendency of doing everything just right. At times He will be at the forefront of our lives leading us on into new ventures and complete ease at knowing He is by our side, at others He will step back, and look at how we do without His hand moving us in the right direction. We look back only for Him to reassure us that, regardless of whether we go left or right He'll be right behind us. He has faith in us, which many people miss, and all we have to do is act wanting to please Him and He will honour us because He loves us. Why do I say all this? Because in a year of choices, you want to make the right one. I graduate soon and I have no idea where I should be going (except of course heaven), but God definitely likes to keep me on my toes.

Back to the word of the week, qua means 'in the capacity of'. See if you can use it once this week. I dare you.

Knock Knock
Who's there?
Nobody who?

Nobody who?

*Ramble, ramble*

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

eh, well... came across this in just random searching. quote is wrong. the quote is "i'v spent my whole life sticking it to the man. if i do this, i'll be the man. i dont think i can be the man."