Thursday, January 18, 2007

Revival - or 'Power Shower?'

Adrian's Blog: Spurgeon on Revival

There is much talk on revival. But the word revival implies something different to what we (Christians) mean. It is so true, that our 'revival' is coming, but what does the word really mean? The word revival literally means "an improvement in the condition or strength of something" (Oxford American Dictionary), but what do Christians mean? It becomes much more the idea of thousands of people coming to faith in Jesus Christ. Thousand of NEW people coming to faith. That's not the same. Improvement? REvive? This is a reawakening of something that has lain dormant, not a new faith, new believer joining a once dying church. Revival isn't a powerful enough word. Revival says that backslidden Christian will realise their mistake, the error of their ways and return to the family they belong. We need something so much more powerful. That's right...full of POWER. The Gospel is the power of God for the salvation of EVERYONE. That's everyone. Salvation is the greatest miracle, because God commands light to shine in a heart which is full of darkness. God commanded light to shine in the dark when I became a Christian, so a Revival of my heart would say I once was in the position I am now.

Let's lose the word. But keep the attitude.
"And now, at this time, we want to have the old truths restored to their places. The subtleties and the refinements of the preacher must be laid aside. We must give up the grand distinctions of the school-men, and all the lettered technicalities of men who have studied theology as a system, but have not felt the power of it in their hearts; and when the good old truth is once more preached by men whose lips are touched as with a live coal from off the altar, this shall be the instrument, in the hand of the Spirit, for bringing about a great and thorough revival of religion in the land." (Spurgeon; From Pyromaniacs)

What is the difference between a young professional and an OAP if they are both going to the same place? We all belong in the New Jerusalem, our happy home, not the burning sulphur so maybe the revival we need is one of where we all belong, not of one that is a lost and found faith. Let's lose the word but Keep The Attitude. God is the one who saves, and it's time for some of us to forget about words, and concentrate on Him who Saves.

I don't belong here.

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