Monday, July 10, 2006

Far too long

And not just a piece of string.

I have been away. This is the main reason for no post for nearly 10 days. The main reason for this is that I've been in Brighon. Actually it's more that I've been in Sheffield, London, Hillingdon (Uxbridge), Brighton, Devon, Hillingdon, London and now back in Sheffield. I would be back in Leeds but I'm in a strange transition period of house and the like; and in Sheffield I get fed a lot better for a lot cheaper.

I did all of this traveling because I felt going to Brighton was a good idea. If any of you know what was going on Brighton this will make a lot more sense to you, for those who don't I will tell you. It was the Brighton Leadership Conference with NFI (New Frontiers) and it was flipping awesome. I was going with the knowledge it would be ok. I'd heard some things from various veterans to the trip, (*I shrug*), it was mostly good.

Two main themes came out of it all: - Purity, and the Holy Spirit. Living for God, and getting as much of Him as possible. For those of you who want to know about living for God read my earlier blog this time of night is asking for it it's all good. A good analogy for living for God is that you love him and like with marriage if somebody you love asks you to do or not do something you will do it. Of course we make mistakes but you try and He's willing to help. The conviction of the Holy Spirit cuts you off from modern culture and you become different. I think this is all magnificent, and that is why I live like I do.

Getting the most from the Holy Spirit is also a good thing. God wants us to experience Him and if we don't then living for Him is not as easy. I, personally, have been baptised in water, and in the Spirit and it makes life so much more exciting. The over-flowing of Spirit from me (mainly God, actually) makes me want others to experience it too. The main sign (look for this, because it is one distinguishing feature) is that when baptised in the Holy Spirit the outpouring causes speaking in tongues. If you want it ask God for it, and try speaking in tongues as well. You can't speak without opening your mouth.

Let me just clarify you may never speak in tongues again, but biblically (which is a rather good resource on these things) baptism of the Spirit is signified by peaking in tongues. From this gifts of the Spirit will come upon you, this is all great. A great gift to have is faith.

I encourage you; get involved with God. Jesus is waiting for your requests (to forgive, bless and change you). There's only one thing you need to do, and there are no excuses because He knows you inside out.

You'll have to wait another time to hear about Devon; I limit myself to one blog a day, I'm afraid.

I love God.

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