Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Inspired by another blog, I thought I'd share an email with you.

The answers are by me, the questions aren't. It's an annoying e-mail but I found it amusing and wanted to share. Here is my blessing.

1.What Time is it now? Past your bed time
2.What is your full name? Toby Isaacson
3.Single or taken? taken
4.What does your name mean? I’m not quite sure…ask the dentist
5.Who picked out your name? My parents…not (as you may have thought) my little brother.

6.What's your nickname? Toby, makes sense doesn’t it?!
7.How old are you? Old enough
8.What colour are your eyes? Grey
9.Do you have an innie or an outie? Innie or outie what?

10.What size are your shoes? 12/13/14/15
12.How tall (or short) are you? Tall enough, some say
13.Honestly what do you like about yourself? The way I can take everything very seriously so that people don’t think I make fun of some of the things that are thrown at me.
14.What do you always get complimented on? My hair…only it’s kind of a mess so I think they might be being sarcastic.
15.What is your worst quality? Monotone voice

16.What are the last four digits of your phone Number? I only have three numbers - 999
17.Do you think you're cute? Define cute
18.Hair colour? Browny, greyey
19.Do you wear contacts? No, I keep them on my phone like any normal person.
20.Living Arrangements ? yes thank you

21.Favourite Drink? Banana milkshake, from McDonalds
22.Favourite alcoholic drink? Punch (not me!!)
23.Favourite Month? July
24.Favourite Food? Chocolate gateaux
25.Favourite Board Game? That should say bored game!! Ha ha I’m so funny!!
26.Favourite Web Site? http://www.dullmen.com
27.Favourite Clothing Brand? C&A
28.Favourite day of the Year? January
29.Favourite colours? Blue
30.Favourite Animals? Dogs, not cats, ants…(I once saw an antelope!)…Get it ant elope…Ant running off with other ant to get married without consent…Oh forget it!

31.Do you have more girl or boy friends? You’re assuming I have friends
32.Who's your best friend? My teddy
33.Are your parents together? Right now? No idea.
34.How often do you get together with the family? Define family
35.Do you tell your parents or your friends more? My teddy, he listens very well
36.Anything special about your parents? One’s big, one’s small…
37.Siblings and their ages? Big bro…21, li’l bro…17, teddy…45.

~*YES OR NO*~ (or maybe:p)
38.You're a flirt? Maybe
39.You're slutty? no
40.You Mean? I mean what?! I have to define myself now... I thought this was a yes no part?!
41.You like someone? I like lotsa people
42.You can keep secrets? I have a bad memory.
43.You dance in front of the mirror? I don’t like to look at myself…but yes.
44.You sing in the shower/bath? What are they?
46.You liked Britney Spears? Good brand of spear that. I recommend any primitive being to own one.
47.You've liked a cousin? Define Cousin

48.You've been in the opposite sexes bathroom? What kind of question is that?!
49.You've seriously hurt someone? Hope not
50.You've been hurt seriously? Fell down a 40 foot wall once.
51.You swear? Never!
52.You get your way? Way with what, may I ask?
53.You're willing to try new things? Indeed
54.You've cheated on a test? Again…the bad memory

57.What are you wearing? Nothing
58.What colour are your pants? You didn’t listen to the answer I gave!
59.What are you listening to? My fan heater
60.How are you feeling? Warm
61.What are you doing? Nothing, I don’t think this e-mail counts
62.What are you eating? My tongue
63.How many people are online? I can’t count
64.How's the weather? Looking very much like my bedroom.
65.What's on your mouse pad? My mouse.
66.What books are you reading? I’m not I’m doing this e-mail

67.How many lip glosses do you have? Where do I begin?! Oh girls only…right.
68.What perfume do you use?
69.What's in your purse?
70.Thong or regular panties?
71.Tall or short boys?
72.Blonde or brunette guys?
74.Boxers showing?
75.Long hair or short hair on boys?
76.What do you find annoying in a guy?
77.What's the first thing you notice about guys?

78.What kind of cologne do you use? A strong one.
79.Whats in your pockets? I don’t have any pockets
80.Boxers or briefs? Boxers
81.Blonde or brunette girls? Brunette
82.Tall or short girls? Yes
83.Piercings on girls? In the right places (and anyone taking that the wrong way is very dirty and deserves a slap)
84.Long or short hair on girls? Yes
85.Good or bad girl? Well I wouldn’t meet a bad girl because I haven’t been to prison and that’s where bad people go. Teddy told me.
86.What do you find annoying in girls? They don’t understand man things.
87.What's the first thing you notice about girls? They’re girls

88.What was the last movie you saw? The Mask…Jim Carrey, funny man.
89.What did you have for dinner? Toast
92.What movie do you really want to see? Reservoir Dogs
93.Tell us about those scars? I fell off a pram when I was 4…got a scratch all the way up my arm. The other is from trying to open a bottle with my teeth and biting the glass instead of the cap. Bad move.
95.Where is your favourite place to travel? HMV
96.What did you last dream about? That’s a very personal question…but it was something about a questionnaire e-mail…that was more of a nightmare though.
97.What was the last thing you ate? Toast
98.If you were a crayon what colour what would you be? Me colour
99.Who was the last person you talked to on the phone? 1471
100.Do you like the person that sent this to you? It just appeared in my inbox…why should I like someone who plants things in peoples inboxes?!
101.Last movie you watched? It’s still The Mask…or do you expect us to be watching a film while doing this?!
103.Are you too shy to ask someone out? If I’m in the perfect situation…Yes
104.Scary movies or happy ending? Happy…What are they there for if not to be enjoyed by me…and Teddy.
105.Summer or winter? Autumn
106.Chocolate or Vanilla? Chocolla
107.Do you want your friends to write back? We’re back to this friends thing again…and Teddy doesn’t have e-mail, his paws are too big for a keyboard.
108.Who is most likely to respond? Yes
109.Who is least likely to respond? No
110.What did you do last night? Saw a play about death. I enjoyed it :)

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