Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Everyone else is Wrong

A lot of the church's critics come for he inside.

Weird, no?

I've been reading a few different "Biblioblogs" (blogs from the Christian Blogosphere [where people blog]) that spend the majority of their time breaking down their own church experience, then reconstructing it under their own system. I do it. I have a series of posts in my "drafts" section with clear instructions on where the church has gone wrong, then my great ideas on how it can be better. We're all allowed our convictions, but ultimately I've forgotten that simple truth that 'there is nothing new under the sun.'

All of my innovation, inspiration, and revelation, is all simply new to me. Not the world, not the church, and certainly not all those that have gone before me.

For that, I'm sorry. Slight error, I must say.

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